
The Catalyst Project offers three training opportunities for Community Partners. These are designed to offer participants technical training in maintaining their local cloud computing hub, the skills to pass on that knowledge to others in their community, and the opportunity to connect and learn alongside the global open science community.

Find out more about Community Partner roles

Hub Champion Training#

For: Hub Champions
Hosted by: 2i2c with input from MetaDocencia and The Carpentries

About: This training will support learners in gaining technical skills for accessing and working with the 2i2c cloud infrastructure. Participants will:

  • Learn how to access and manage 2i2c cloud infrastructure

  • Receive access to documentation that they can refer back to and share with their members

  • Contribute to the development of additional resources by participating in feedback interviews during the workshop

Time commitment: This workshop will be delivered over the course of a week, with participants joining two, 1-hour sessions at the beginning and end of the week. During the week, participants complete self-study sessions at their own pace.

In combination with the Train-the-Trainer workshop, participants in this training will be equipped to convene additional training sessions within their communities.

Supported languages: This workshop, and associated materials, will be available in English and Spanish.

Registration information: Community Partner leaders will be contacted by email. See the event pages in our blog.

Train the Trainer Workshop#

For: Hub Champions
Hosted by: The Carpentries

About: This training will support individuals in gaining the skills they need to train others in their community on administering a 2i2c cloud hub. Participants will:

  • Explore evidence-based teaching practices

  • Learn how to create a positive environment for learners at workshops and training events

  • Practise and build teaching skills

  • Discuss how these practices apply in their local communities, and how they might be modified or adapted

Time commitment: This workshop comprises a series of online modules that learners can complete in 1-2 days with 6 hours per day.

After the Hub Champions take both the Hub Champion training and the “Train the Trainer” workshop, they will have everything they need to organise similar training activities within their communities.

Supported languages: This workshop is currently available in English.

Registration information: See the Upcoming Instructor Training Calendar for dates. Community Partner leaders will be contacted by email.

Open Science Training and Mentoring#

For: Community Champions and interested Community Members
Hosted by: OLS

About: OLS’s open science training, Open Seeds, is a mentoring and training program for Open Science ambassadors. Participants in this training will:

  • Share their expertise and gain knowledge essential to create, lead, and sustain an Open Science project

  • Connect with members across different projects, communities, backgrounds, and identities

  • Empower each other to become effective Open Science ambassadors in their communities

Time commitment: Open Seeds is a 16-week program, with participants expected to commit 5 hours per week to activities. These activities include ongoing interactions with an open science mentor.

Participating in this training will also connect learners to a growing community of almost 400 OLS alumni - individuals around the world who are ambassadors for open science practices.

Supported languages: This training is only available in English.

Registration information: Applications open July 1 2024 and Community Partner leaders will be contacted by email.

More information#

We will post updates about upcoming training opportunities on the Catalyst Project Blog. If you have any questions, please contact