Instructor Certification for Catalyst Communities by The Carpentries

Instructor Certification for Catalyst Communities by The Carpentries#

As part of the next phase of training offered to communities participating in the Catalyst Project, community members were invited to join The Carpentries Instructor Training.

What is Instructor Training?#

Instructor Training introduces trainees to evidence-based teaching practices, teaches them how to create a positive environment for learners at workshops, and provides them with opportunities to practice and build teaching skills. Trainees participate in a short training event (usually two full days or four half days) then complete a series of “checkout” steps, gaining certification as a Carpentries Instructor. In addition to improving their teaching skill through the training, certified community members join an established, global community of Instructors.

What are the benefits of Instructor Training?#

Instructors cultivate a versatile skill set applicable to diverse educational settings, including university courses and various training formats. We believe that Instructor Training will further empower communities participating in the Catalyst Project by enabling them to train their colleagues and peers, increasing the impact that access to the hub infrastructure can have on their research.

Instructor Training for Africa and Latin America#

Catalyst communities in Africa were invited to nominate representatives to join Instructor Training, and these members will join online training events scheduled throughout the rest of 2024. A separate training event will be provided in Spanish to Catalyst communities in Latin America.