Welcome to the Catalyst Project blog - what you can expect to find here#

Welcome to the Catalyst Project blog, where you will find news and updates for community partners as well as reflections on this project as a large, multi-stakeholder collaboration. In this blog post, we’ll describe some of the information you can expect to find here, and also highlight pages on the Catalyst Project website that contain useful information.

If you have any questions or feedback, please send us an email at catalyst-project-core-team@googlegroups.com.

For Community Partners#

The Catalyst Project is building partnerships with organisations in Africa and Latin America in order to support biomedical scientists in the access and use of cloud infrastructure. Ten community partners from each region will join us in what we hope will be the pilot phase of a more long-term project.

This blog will be the primary place where Community Partners can find news and updates related to the project. These will include:

  • Any updates or changes to the recruitment and onboarding process

  • Upcoming training sessions for Community Champions and Hub Champions

  • Case studies highlighting Community Partners and how they are using the Catalyst Project infrastructure

  • Opportunities to provide feedback about the project and connect with others

  • Updates on ways that the Catalyst Project Core Team is integrating feedback from Community Partners

You can find information about how to become a Community Partner, current Community Partners, and various training opportunities on this website.

All blog posts intended for Community Partners will be tagged, and you will be able to find them all by filtering on that tag.

Sharing lessons learned about multi-stakeholder collaborations#

The Catalyst Project is a large collaboration between seven open science organisations with a goal of engaging 20 community partners. We’re striving to be reflexive and thoughtful about how we deliver the work, including how we address any challenges that arise. You can expect this blog to include posts in which we reflect on how we are working together, the processes we’re putting in place to coordinate across teams, and some of the challenges we’ve faced along the way. We hope these reflections will be broadly useful to anyone else considering a community-engaged, multi-stakeholder collaboration.

You can expect upcoming posts to address:

  • How we started the project and brought the team together

  • Governance and communication

  • The role of documentation and standard workflows

All reflection posts will also be tagged, and you will be able to find them all by filtering on the Team Reflections tag.

The current website and planned updates#

The Catalyst Project website launched at the beginning of April 2024. Currently, you can find information about the project, including the organisations and individual personnel involved, on the site, as well as basic information for Community Partners (as described above).

Over the coming weeks, we plan to add additional content, including:

  • An FAQ page for Community Partners

  • Information about individual cloud hubs

  • Onboarding documentation in English and Spanish

  • More information about the workflow for micro-grants and honoraria

We are also working on creating a Spanish version of this website, and ultimately all blog posts will be available in both English and Spanish.

Contact the Catalyst Project#

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please send us an email at catalyst-project-core-team@googlegroups.com.