
Further resources#


  • Hub Service Guide – comprehensive documentation for Hub Champions

  • Infrastructure Guide – technical guide for 2i2c engineers

  • Code of Conduct – expected behavior and guidelines for 2i2c communities

  • Technical Support – request technical support

  • GitHub Organization – all of 2i2c’s work is open source and there are many insightful discussions found in repository issues

  • Slack channel – contact the workshop instructor for access

Managing Software Images#



Central Processing Unit – executes computational work. The number of CPU cores needed for a job depends on how scalable the computational work is, the type and amount of work to be processed.

GitHub Organization

An umbrella account that contains a collection of individual member accounts under one common Organization.

GitHub Team

A subgroup of a GitHub Organization with more fine-grained control over access permissions and notifications.


In the context of this lesson, a hub is a JupyterHub hosted in the cloud and managed by 2i2c.


A multi-user hub that spawns, manages and proxies multiple instances of the single-user Jupyter notebook server.


Random Access Memory – a computer’s “short-term memory”. The amount of RAM needed for a job depends on the size of the data structures to be processed.