Instructor Notes#


Training is delivered over two synchronous workshops, each one hour in length a week apart. The week in between is dedicated to self-guided study with asynchronous support provided by the instructors.

  1. Recognising the benefits your hub can provide for your user community

  2. Controlling access to your hub

  3. Selecting the optimal server resources for your computational work responsibly

  4. Managing Software Images

  5. Navigating the filesystem and transferring data to and from the hub

  6. Troubleshooting and providing user support

( ⭐ indicates this episode is delivered via a synchronous workshop)

Asynchronous support during self-study#

We will use a collaborative note-taking document, to share answers to exercises during this workshop. A CodiMD template is available for you to use in the lesson repository under the instructors folder. Make sure you generate a fresh copy and remove the contents of each episode section before the workshop and share this with your learners.

Set up a Slack channel, or equivalent, where learners ask for help and support during the training.

During the self-guided study portion of the workshop, make sure to check the CodiMD and Slack channel regularly to assess progress and respond to any questions.

Notes for helpers#

Helpers support workshop instructors with tasks such as

  • helping learners with lesson setup problems

  • populating the CodiMD with lesson content, e.g. episode questions, objectives, exercises and minute card feedback forms

  • monitoring the Slack channel

  • grant administrator privileges to users on the Community Showcase Hub for users who have not logged into the hub before the lesson (see Community Showcase Hub setup)

  • keeping the instructor on track and on time

  • reminding participants to complete feedback forms.

Communication channels#

We will primarily use Slack for communications with learners to encourage a “cohort” effect and capture discussions that would otherwise disappear from Zoom/Google Meet chat. However, we recognise that learners may join the synchronous sessions on their phones and therefore the Zoom/Google Meet chat is useful in this case.


Consider recording your workshop so that learners can refer back to this for later viewing.

Hidden curriculum#

Episode 6, Exercise 1#

In Part One of the workshop, please notify learners that the self-study portion of the lesson ends after the completion of Episode 6, Exercise 1. The result of this exercise allows the instructor to ascertain the most common support issue raised by the learners in preparation for the “flipped classroom” experience in Part Two of the workshop, where the instructor live demonstrates the problem-solving skills required to troubleshoot and provide user support.

Time management#

For the exercises, we encourage instructors not to read out answers already entered into the CodiMD and instead to ask learners more targeted follow up questions.

Extra resources#

Template Google Slides to supplement Episode 1 are available for you to use.

(For internal use by the Catalyst Project team) A folder containing template feedback forms and a workshop folder for each training event can be found in the team Google Drive.

Pre-workshop Tasks#

You may use the following email template to communicate with learners 1 week before the workshop.

Pre-workshop email template

Dear all,

Thanks for registering to attend The Hub Champion Training. This message contains all of the information you need to prepare for and join the workshop.

What do I need to do before the training?

Before the training, please complete our pre-training survey.

Participants should be able to:

  • Access the 2i2c Community Showcase Hub using their GitHub account

  • Know basic Git, such as pushing and pulling to a remote GitHub repository

  • Find the shared collaborative note-taking document, e.g. CodiMD (shared in the calendar invite)

  • Access the 2i2c Slack #hub-champion-training channel for asynchronous support (Slack invite to be shared in the calendar invitate)

  • Use a web browser and video conferencing, e.g. Zoom

  • Read the 2i2c Code of Conduct.

When and where?

Training is delivered over two synchronous workshops, each one hour in length a week apart. The week in between is dedicated to self-guided study with asynchronous support provided by the instructors in a Slack channel you have been invited to.

Part One is scheduled to take place <insert time (including timezone) and date> and the Part Two is scheduled to take place <insert time (including timezone) and date>. You should have received a calendar invitation including videoconferencing connection details, a Slack invite and a URL for the collaborative notes document we will use during the training.

We look forward to seeing you and please get in touch with any questions you have beforehand.

Best wishes,

After sending the email, create the videoconferencing call for Part One and Part Two of the training, then share a calendar invitation with the connection details and a link to the CodiMD document.

Screenshot of setting editing rights on CodiMD to "Freely".

Set editing rights on CodiMD to “Freely”

Allow anyone to edit the CodiMD document without signing in by clicking the dropdown in the top-right of the document in Read Mode and selecting “Freely”.

Feedback collection#

Screenshot of Settings > Responses > Restrict to users in and its trusted organisations switched to Off.

There are a number of template Google Forms available to collect feedback from your lesson. This feedback is important for iterative lesson development – during teaching, enlist your lesson helper to keep you accountable for this!

Allow access outside of your organisation

For each Google Form that you copy from the template, make sure that Settings > Responses > Restrict to users in and its trusted organisations is switched to Off (click the screenshot in the margin). This enables respondants to access to the form from outside of your organisation.

Template forms

  • Registration

  • Pre-Training Survey

  • Post-Training Survey

  • Episode 1: Minute Card Feedback

  • Episode 2: Minute Card Feedback

  • Episode 3: Minute Card Feedback

  • Episode 4: Minute Card Feedback

  • Episode 5: Minute Card Feedback

  • Episode 6: Minute Card Feedback

Community Showcase Hub setup#

Hub Champions will need access to the 2i2c Community Showcase Hub and hub administrator privileges to complete this training.

To grant access to this hub, instructors will need to add learners to this GitHub Team and grant them Owner status. Adding members to this team requires Owner/Maintainer permissions – if you have trouble then please send an email to

To grant administrator privileges on the hub, go to the Community Showcase Hub home and click the Admin sub-menu in the navbar. You will see a table of users who have access to the hub. Click Edit User of the user you would like to grant admin access to. In the next screen, check the Admin box and click Apply to grant administrator privileges.

During the lesson, Controlling access to your hub, Hub Champions will be asked to invite the user jnywong-test to the GitHub Organization. Please ensure this account is removed from the organization prior to the workshop. Similarly, Hub Champions will be asked to add and remove jmunroe-testuser from the GitHub Team.

Post-workshop Tasks#

Follow up with an email two days after the workshop to thank learners for their time and encourage them to complete the post-training survey. You may use the follow email template.

Post-workshop email template

Dear all,

Thank you for attending the recent Hub Champion Training workshop. We hope you left your workshop with skills and knowledge needed to empower your communities to make best use out of the hub. We would like to capture your thoughts about what was covered and your perception of the workshop overall. Please complete the post-workshop survey as soon as possible.

If you have any questions and would like to contact us, feel free to email us at We are excited about your continued involvement with our community!

Best wishes,

Restore the Community Showcase Hub by removing the user jnywong-test from the GitHub Organization and removing jmunroe-testuser from the GitHub Team. Adjust the permissions of learners from Owner to Member.

Remove administrator privileges on the hub by opening a 2i2c support ticket to provide the Community Showcase Hub URL ( and a list of Hub Champion GitHub usernames that require administrator status removing.


One week before the workshop#

  • Copy the CodiMD template, remove the episode section content and set editing rights to Freely

  • Copy feedback form templates and check access permissions

  • Set up a Slack channel, or equivalent

  • Schedule the videoconferencing calls for Part One and Part Two

  • Email learners one week before the workshop

    • Share a calendar invitation for Part One and Part Two with links to the videoconference call, CodiMD document and Slack channel

  • Prepare the Community Showcase Hub

    • Add learners to GitHub team and grant them Owner status

    • Grant Admin privileges to learners on the Community Showcase Hub

Deliver Part One#

  • Host Part One of the workshop

    • Remember to record the workshop so that learners can refer back to this for later viewing

After Part One#

  • Populate the CodiMD for the self-guided study

Deliver Part Two#

  • Host Part Two of the workshop

    • Remember to record the workshop so that learners can refer back to this for later viewing

After Part Two#

  • Email learners two days after the workshop to complete feedback and follow-up on micro-grant status (if applicable)

  • Restore the Community Showcase Hub

    • Remove Owner status from the GitHub team

    • Remove Admin privileges from learners on the Community Showcase Hub

  • Evaluate feedback